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Mastering Model Based Systems Engineering

Course Overview

Are you new to Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE)? Are you unsure about its key features and benefits? Do you know why MBSE is becoming the globally accepted way for designing modern-day complex engineering systems? If you are, then this innovative 32 hour, self-paced Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) course teaches participants the fundamentals of MBSE and how it can practiced within the INCOSE and ISO 15288 standards process.

If you are you still doing systems engineering using inefficient, document-centric approaches, then this highly innovative three-day MBSE (Fundamentals) Workshop teaches you how to do systems engineering using model based methods and thinking.

Cleverly designed, the workshop develops essential MBSE knowledge, skills and understanding through a series of structured presentations and step-by-step modelling workshops that teaches how:

  • To apply the systems engineering method using the latest modelling approaches to the design of complex systems;
  • Develop coherent and integrated operational, functional and physical models using an easy to understand and proven methodology;
  • Model integrated system functional and physical architectures, and their associated interfaces;
  • Create an integrated system model using a modern and easy to use system engineering tool, and
  • understand the role of System Modelling Language (SysML) within MBSE and the key factors involved when deploying MBSE within an organisation.

As part of the course you receive an e-copy of the course folder, course presentation slides, lesson transcripts and course readings.

Mr Mark Eggler

Military Vehicle Technology & Systems Engineering

Mark is a senior professional engineer and project manager with over 25 years experience working on large complex projects. He has worked for the Australian Department of Defence and leading private sector organizations on major acquisition programs.

Who Should Take This Course?

Capability Developers
Project Managers
Business Analysts

Course Curriculum

What is systems engineering? | Key concepts | Systems engineering methodologies | Systems engineering standards | Systems engineering technical processes | Implementing a systems engineering methodology | The role of model based systems engineering | Workshop overview | Quiz

Modern day engineering | Why complex project dont’ deliver | What is MBSE? | Schemas and modelling architectures | Where to use MBSE | Benefits of MBSE | Quiz

Overview of Systems Engineering | MBSE effectiveness | What is SysML? | Understanding SysML diagrams | Important semantics and ontology | Behaviour diagrams | Requirement diagrams | Structure diagrams | Parametric diagrams | Tools and processes to support implementation | Quiz

Introduction | Getting to know the requirements management tool | Tutorial

Introduction | Describing operational effects | Mission & context analysis | Scenario development | Defining operational requirements | Capability analysis | Stakeholder engagement | How to capture requirements | Integrating operational views | System/acquisition boundaries | Operational risk analysis | COI, MoE and MoP | Generating the JCNS, OCD and URD | Quiz

OCD in context | OCD purpose | Terminology | OCD structure | External vs internal scenarios | Test for a good OCD | Quiz

Introduction | Workshop roadmap | Operational analysis tutorial

Capability vs System | Defining system behaviour | Deriving functional requirements | Testing functional requirements | Functional flow block diagrams (FFBD) | Non-functional requirements | States and modes | Establish the requirements traceability matrix | Functional risk analysis | Developing the function & performance specification | Requirements management tools | Quiz

Requirements management | Requirement types | Requirement attributes | Writing good requirements | Traceability | Traceability inpractice | Quiz| Introduction to configuration management | Functional baselines | Allocated baselines|Product baselines|Configuration items| Engineering change control | Managing change requests | Status accounting and reports

Introduction | Workshop roadmap | Functional analysis & requirements development workshop| Modelling exercises

Introduction | Design & synthesis context | Design & synthesis process | Setting up for design & synthesis | Key design documents | Generating physical design solutions | Developing the product breakdown structure | Selecting configuration items and interfaces | Allocating functional requirements and defining system requirements | Deriving and refining technical requirements | Specialty engineering | Analysing and selecting optimum solutions | Checking design consistency and traceability | Quiz

Introduction | Workshop roadmap | Design & synthesis development workshop | Modelling exercises

Introduction | Workshop roadmap | Verification & validation workshop | Modelling exercises

Introduction | Workshop roadmap | Building the Verification Cross Reference Matrix | V&V key attribute data | Developing verification work package categories | Developing skill-set categories | Allocate V&V attributes to system requirements | Sorting system requirements into work packages | Allocate system requirements to verification procedures | Building the V&V Plan

Capability vs System Design | Understanding the boundaries | Running the numbers | Forgetting the FIC | Understanding industry needs | Essential tips for practitioners

About EIT

Equipping High Performing Teams For A Dynamic World

In today’s fast-paced world, situations are constantly evolving, and having access to complete information is often impossible. This is where conventional education methods fall short. EIT’s innovative educational approach sets it apart from traditional education methods by focusing on preparing high performers and world leaders to rapidly advance their skills and excel under pressure.

Our unique approach emphasizes hands-on experience and lateral thinking to equip participants with the ability to apply their knowledge and skills effectively when it matters most. By adopting this innovative and tailored approach, EIT stands out as a leader in providing exceptional, practical, and industry-relevant training for tomorrow’s high achievers.

A woman holding a tablet in front of a group of people.
Buy now - USD $2,399

Satisfied clients from all over the world

Read through countless happy reviews from our participants and organizations


“EIT’s high-quality professional development training courses have been pivotal in upskilling our practitioners in the One Defence Capability System.”

Fundamentals of Capability Systems Design

BRIG David Shields, Land Professional Development


“EIT’s Additive Manufacturing in Practice course offers invaluable insights into AM within the Defense industry. The instructor lectures and hands-on activities were all excellent. A highlight was the on-site 3D printer, allowing participants to prepare and print models. I highly recommend this course to engineers in the Defense sector.”

Additive Manufacturing in Practice

Rob Rowan, Senior Test Engineer, USMC


“Overall, I think it’s an excellent course and the best one I’ve taken in my 27 year professional career.”

GS Engineering (USA)

Military Vehicles and Mobility Course


Overall this is an excellent class. I have been involved in related tracked platform design work for the last 25 years (plus some wheeled platform design previously). But this class provided me a comprehensive integrated/ organized knowledge base for learning. It was a wonderful experience!


Military Vehicle Technology & Mobility

Joe Chou, Senior Engineer, USMC


“Excellent course with a great variety of practice based workshop to put theory and HSI techniques into practice. The instructor had an amazing depth of knowledge and experience.”


Systems Engineering in Practice

Student, ST Engineering


“The explanations of the FMECA process were detailed and very relevant to my work. I particularly enjoyed the workshop that allowed me to put the method into practice. Great course Eggler Institute.”


Failure Modes Effects & Crtiticality Analysis

Student, NIMR Automotive

Frequently Asked Questions

The top 5 questions asked about EIT Eductation.

This depends on the course duration. Free courses are accessible for 7 days. For all courses less than 8 hours, you have 45 days. For all other longer courses you have 90 days. For the Diploma of Military Vehicle Technology, please see the course page for further details.

Yes, all learning material is delivered via the EIT e-learning platform. Some clients choose to add interactive tutorials for an extra fee. If this is of interest to you or your organization, then please contact EIT for details.

Yes, you will have immediate access to your Certificate of Completion once all course elements are complete. You can access the course certificate via either the course completion email or from your EIT personal account. Most courses qualify for continuing professional development points required by professional bodies.

Please contact us directly though ‘Contact Us’ menu on the EIT website. You can expect a response from our friendly staff within 24 hours.

Refunds are not available after payment. EIT is happy to transfer your enrollment to another person or change the enrollment date to one that suits you better. All changes to enrollment dates must be advised to EIT within 72 hrs.

The range of courses EIT has available is directly applicable to the acquisition work we perform and EIT can teach from both the acquisition perspective, as well as the detailed core subject matter, both of which are critical for our work. We hosted more than ten EIT courses since 2018, via in-person, live/online, and online/on-demand delivery means. All of the feedback from students has been positive and the material deemed useful to the students in their respective duties. In addition, EIT is welcoming to suggestions for new course topics, as well as tailoring of the course material to the needs of the client.

United States Marine Corps

Materiel Support Command
logo of department of the navy USA marine corps

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